Uterine Fibroids

Fibroid Uterus: Symptoms, Diagnosis and treatment

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous uterine tumours. This is the most prevalent health issue among childbearing women. Many uterine fibroid complaints occur between the ages of 30 and 45. This benign tumour can cause discomfort, heavy menstruation, and infertility. It can range in size from a few millimetres to as large as a melon. Small fibroids may not require treatment, however big fibroids can only be treated surgically. Large fibroids the size of a watermelon is uncommon. Some women have no symptoms of fibroids and will only learn about them during a normal ultrasound or gynaecological check-up.

Fibroids impact at least 20% of all women at some point in their lives. Overweight and obese women are at far greater risk of developing fibroids than women of normal weight.

Symptoms Of Fibroids

  • Anaemia (as a result of heavy periods)
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen (especially if fibroids are large)
  • Retention/frequent urination
  • Heavy painful periods
  • Painful sex
  • Swelling in the lower abdomen (especially if fibroids are large)


Other Symptoms May Include:

  • Pregnancy problems
  • Fertility problems
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • A fibroid can sometimes degenerate causing fever and severe pain.
  • During a woman’s reproductive years her oestrogen and progesterone levels are high. When oestrogen levels are high, especially during pregnancy, fibroids tend to swell. When oestrogen levels are low fibroids may shrink as can be seen after menopause.

Treatment of Major Fibroid

Fibroid therapy might range from no treatment at all to surgery. Treatment is normally unnecessary unless the fibroids are causing significant bleeding, pain, or bladder difficulties.

Myomectomy is a procedure that removes fibroids while leaving the uterus intact. Myomectomy is the recommended course of action for women who intend to have children in the future.

Women over the age of forty or those who have had their children require a hysterectomy, which is a medical treatment in which the uterus is removed via laparoscopy or open surgery.

So, if you’re already having symptoms like pelvic discomfort and cramps, as well as heavy bleeding during your periods, it’s time to see a gynaecologist.

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