Management of Pregnancy

Management of Pregnancy

Complete prenatal care beginning with pre-pregnancy consultation and advice, entire ante-natal (during pregnancy) care, and eventually vaginal and Caesarean delivery. Finally, post-pregnancy counselling and contraception recommendations, including intrauterine device (such copper-T, multiload) implantation and tubal sterilisation using laparoscopic and mini-lap techniques.

It is now customary to seek the advice of a Gynecologist in Noida before embarking on a pregnancy. This is known as pre-conception counseling. All blood and urine tests are performed, which may have an impact on the pregnancy if they are discovered to be abnormal. So there is still time to cure the underlying problem before conceiving. This contributes to healthier pregnancies with fewer complications.

During pregnancy some other tests are done to rule out any genetic or developmental abnormalities in the foetus (baby to be born). Regular checkups are done during the whole pregnancy with guidance to encourage a normal delivery.

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